-Some soy bean leaves have appeared to become "extra crispy," as if they've been baked at their edges, and turned white. I have been removing these leaves as the symptom becomes apparent.
-Many of the zucchini green squash and the crook-neck squash have softened and yellowed, before finally withering away into mush. I was, at first, concerned that I was experiencing some kind of 'squash rot' or something, but my neighbor has told me that this is common for the first couple of weeks' batches of squashes. Let's hope this is true!
-A single eggplant is growing out of a single flower on each Ichiban plant! They sneak up on you, just as zucchini do.
-Have noticed that, since the cucumber plants have actually been producing decent sized cukes, they need much more water on a daily basis to keep their leaves from wilting.
-I have seen the first tops of orange on the first batch of carrots. I added a bit of soil atop it (as instructed by my neighbor).
-The first sweet 100 tomato to form will be edible within 3-4 days :) My first tomato grown and eaten, ever!
With that out of the way, on to the photos!
Freshly picked zucchini-green squash, ready to use for stuffing.
Ichiban eggplant, displaying its gorgeous flowers. It's produced its first eggplant for me!
Main garden. This has been the week of cucumber growth.
Carrots and Sunflower (Top), Cantaloupe and Mavras Pepper (center), and Soy beans (bottom right)
Roma Tomato (top), Rosita Eggplant (bottom)
Sweet 100 tomato (left) and Beefsteak tomato (right)
Pole/Snap Beans. Growing like crazy. Still no flowers! (?)
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