Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Summer 2012 Organic Garden: Week 5

I just spent a bit of my morning out in the garden, and I must stay... it looks... great! And it makes me feel great. Great combination? Yes.

We're just about all-in! We've added some more basil in and around some other plants, and have planted zucchini squash, another roma tomato, 5 strawberry plants, a dyno kale plant, an artichoke plant, and some hybrid brussel sprout thing that was given to us at the Whole Earth Festival. We'll have to see how that one goes!

I've turned in more manure and compost into the second main plot (where the tomato, strawberries, artichoke, and zucchini are) before the planting, so I hope to see those rewards! It's so great to see everything just sitting in the ground, awaiting water and sunlight and not begging me to take them out of a pot I bought them in a week ago...

Nahdxyeli planting her strawberries. We'll need to get a bird mesh/net over them soon...

Onions, garlic, fresno pepper, sweet pepper, dyno kale, roma tomato...

Strawberries and artichoke

Eggplant, indigo apple and roma tomato, crenshaw melon, thai basil, sweet yellow pepper, spaghetti squash, summer yellow squash, and sweet (bushy) cucumber.  In pot: 2 lemon basils and 1 cilantro. Not sure if they're going to make it, and I have no idea why.

(Outside) Sweet 100, kentucky wonder pole(green) beans, and a pineapple tomato. (Inside same as above)

"Patio tomato" amid sage...

Italian large-leaf basil, oregano, and two annual bulbs that I had to repot. I think their original pots, lacking drainage, did them in. We'll see how they do after the repot!

Left side: golden pole beans, Right side: kentucky wonder pole (green) beans.

Hearty red onions! They're doing incredibly well, but sadly the garlic have taken a turn for the worse.  Why can't we live in Gilroy!?!?

The young champion- our indigo apple tomato showing off.

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